Foreign Language Information Literacy Model in The Covid-19 Pandemic Era as an Effort to Prevent Hoaxes in Kediri City
During the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the abilities that every individual must have is to be able to understand well the information that is widespread on digital platforms. The amount of information that uses English terms often creates pros and cons in society because of the inability to understand the meaning contained in the text. Even though English is the language of connection that will bridge the occurrence of interaction feedback globally. The focus of the author is to provide socialization and assistance to residents using an ethnographic approach that combines historical methods, observation, and interviews. This aims to explain the importance of understanding a foreign text from various disclosure of information with the assistance of literate culture as an act preventive against hoaxes, especially for residents of the District Kaliombo, Kota Kediri. However, information can be a trigger for weak immunity and affect people's thinking, language, and behavior. Linguistic Politeness will describe the characteristics of the community itself and become a major foothold in the act. Several pending findings resulted.
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