The Existence of Memorising al-Qurân in Islamic University: Motivation, Methods, and Achievements
In the Islamic University lately, there is a growing awareness to memorise the Qur’an. This phenomenon continues to develop along with the various open opportunities provided by the manager of higher education for those who memorise the Qur’an. This research will focus on the motivation to memorise the Qur’an, the method of memorising the Qur’an, and the achievements of students memorising the Qur’an. This research is descriptive. The use of interview, observation, and documentation methods and analysis of reflective data in research has enabled him to understand more deeply about the existence of memorising the Qur’an. The results showed that students’ motivation in memorising the Qur’an was inspired by people who memorised the Qur’an first, especially families who had indeed been directed so that all family members memorised the Qur’an and also wanted to get virtue from rote learning al-Qur’an. The method of memorising the Qur’an used is al-nazar or tarÄ«qat takrÄ«r al-qirÄat al-juz’ī (read repeatedly or slowly) while still maintaining the tradition of using the genealogy of the cleric or clerics to one another continuously. Al-Qur’an memorisation students achieved an average of 3.46 from the 0-4 interval, but most of them were above 3.5.
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