Pengembangan Dimensi Kemanusiaan dalam Pendidikan Islam


  • Ida Umami STAIN Metro Lampung



This paper discusses Islamic education and its relationship with the information
of ideal criteria and the sources of the noble character. The combination of those
two things mentioned is an interesting offer. This illustration becomes, at once,
an entry point to state that the education character has something to do with
the spirituality values. In the operational context, the morality education is an
effort to equip the students through counselling, instruction, and training during
their growth time. Such effort is meant to create human with a clean heart, good
behaviour, decent worship to God, and well-behaved response to God’s creation.
The morality education, in turn, lead to a holistic personality possessing a high
moral standard in speech, action, attitude, thought, feeling, work, and output
which are in line with the religious values, norms, and the noble moral of the
nation. The character education should be developed within oneself. It is manifested
in a process or an activity aimed at integrating the essential values. Such is based
on the assumption that human is a creature who possesses the capability to learn
and give meaning to essential values existing in their life. The very fundamental
thing within the process of character education is the value integration conducted
through broadening the insight on how to live meaningfully

Key words: Dimension, development, humanity, Islamic education


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How to Cite

Umami, Ida. 2015. “Pengembangan Dimensi Kemanusiaan Dalam Pendidikan Islam”. Didaktika Religia 3 (2):37-50.


