Peran Istighasah dalam Mengurangi Kecemasan Siswa menghadapi Ujian Nasional di UPTD SMAN I Mojo Kediri: Kajian Fenomenologis Psikosufistik Pendidikan Islam


  • Ainani Fuadah SMAN 1 Mojo Kediri



Istighathah, on the day before UN, has been a religious culture in SMAN 1 Mojo.
This istighathah is supported by various parties ranging from the school, the vice
principal, the teachers, the UN committee and all UN participants. This existence,
for Sufi Psychology, which contains dhikir (remembrance) reading and prayer can
normalize function of neural network systems, cells and organs throughout the
body. In the world of Sufism, istighathah with remembrance has an important
position in an effort to draw closer to Allah SWT. And this istighathah has become
routine annually before the administration of UN. This is because istighathah a
shield that can provide encouragement for every human being to be serious in
trying and praying and not easily discouraged when facing failure in UN. The
results of this study are, first, istighathah at SMAN 1 Mojo has become routine
before UN, either daily or collectively. There is a belief possessed by most students
of SMAN 1 Mojo that can reduce the anxieties in which the result can produce
calmness physically and mentally when they are facing UN.


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How to Cite

Fuadah, Ainani. 2014. “Peran Istighasah Dalam Mengurangi Kecemasan Siswa Menghadapi Ujian Nasional Di UPTD SMAN I Mojo Kediri: Kajian Fenomenologis Psikosufistik Pendidikan Islam”. Didaktika Religia 2 (2).


