The Prophet’s Maulid Tradition In Cultural and Religious Perspectives: A Literature Review of Muludan Celebrations in Indonesia


  • Muhammad Fatichul Irsyad Madrasah Tsanawiyah Miftahul Huda Silir, Kediri



Muludan, Maulid, Tradition


This study aims to understand the role and meaning of Maulid Nabi celebrations from a cultural and religious perspective through a comprehensive literature review. Using a literature study approach, this research analyses various scholarly works, journal articles, books, and reports related to the implementation of Maulid Nabi in Indonesia. The main focus of this article is to explore how this religious tradition is adapted in the local cultural context, as well as how religious and cultural elements influence and enrich each other. In addition, the article also explores the dynamics of the development of Maulid Nabi celebrations in various regions, ranging from Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi to Eastern Indonesia, where each region has unique characteristics in the celebration. The results of the review show that the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday not only functions as a means of worship and religious expression but also as a place to preserve local cultural identity. This tradition also facilitates social interaction among the community, strengthens community ties, and plays a role in building religious harmony. Thus, Maulid Nabi, from a cultural and religious perspective in Indonesia, is a tradition that contains multidimensional meanings, both in spiritual and socio-cultural contexts. This research is expected to provide a deeper understanding of the relevance of the Muludan tradition in the context of pluralistic Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Irsyad, M. F. (2024). The Prophet’s Maulid Tradition In Cultural and Religious Perspectives: A Literature Review of Muludan Celebrations in Indonesia. International Journal of Religion and Social Community, 2(2), 68–86.




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